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Thank You

Our final event on March 26th was absolutely fantastic - and our virtual event brought our program to folks watching all over Canada! Thank you notes are being written, I'm throwing pins at everyone, and my heart is full from the support and enthusiasm this and every other year of the festival has gifted to me.

Thank you to our filmmakers, our musical guests Raincity, our hosts Jamie Taylor and Sarah Faye Bernstein, and our Moderator Bryce Logan. Thank you to the wonderful staff at the VIFF Centre!

Thank you to our volunteers; Zia Marashi, Alexandra Caulfield, Durae Roberts, Brianne Doucette, Yvonne Doucette, Carolina Bergonzoni, videography team Min Lee+ Noah Marchand, photographer Emma K Younge, and Andy Wong from BIPOC Credits for nabbing great social media for us all day. Thank you as well to our judging panel; Durae Roberts, Mike Hjorth, Rebecca Matzov, Harmen Van Andel, Celina de Leon, Sydney Gordon, Alyssa Kostello, Natalie Moon, and Carolyn Yonge.

Thank you to our sponsors!

Hey, it's our last call for merch! Take a browse while you still can! Limited totes, stickers, and pins are up for the taking!

As a truly homemade festival, as grassroots as it gets, it's been all about the support. The willingness for people to donate their time and resources to help get this festival off of the ground. Sometimes it seems like drops in an ocean, but every year I've put on the festival - it comes together. And it comes together because people keep making great projects, and people want to see them (and I am personally very determined to let people know how they can watch them)! It's been a pleasure to take such an eclectic mix of projects and say to people 'you absolutely need to watch these!' with genuine gusto. I've always been proud of this festival's programming, and year 8 is certainly a cherry on top of this insane festival sundae.

It's been quite a ride running this festival, and I thank all of our past filmmakers, supporters, friends, and audience members for partaking in our little variety show of a film fest. I have learned so much, met so many great people, and every year have gained so much respect and inspiration from all of the wonderful projects that come across my desk. It's no small feat to make a movie, tell a story, and put it out there - and to see folks across Canada doing it in so many ways! It's been such a privilege to be able to host 151 (!!) short films in our programming since 2014.

You can take a friendly browse through this year's paper program here. And don't forget! We will be passively updating our Canadian film resources page so keep an eye out! Even though our festival is ending, our support for local cinema is not. Look out for events in your community; show up, and support!

I wont say it's a goodbye forever, as life's got a funny way about it, but it's goodbye for now.


Thank you so so much,

Laurel K Brown

Cinema Spectacular founder + director