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Cinema Spectacular 2020 and COVID-19

In a difficult, but necessary decision, Cinema Spectacular 2020 will be suspended until further notice. We will be revisiting our options for an event later this year, and will be working with VIVO,VIFF, and our supporters to make our festival happen when it is safe, responsible, and appropriate for the public again. Much of our funding and help comes from our community, and as this overwhelmingly unpredictable situation continues, that support should go elsewhere. 

This doesn’t mean we’ve stopped working. We’ve got some plans to bring some CanCon to your timelines with some fun plans for features, blogs, and more. We will certainly be using this time to build a better foundation for a brighter and more supportive festival to keep on loving local cinema when the time comes. We will also be sharing cool projects, good vibes, and resources to help our community as we find them.

In news that we still have control over: Our late deadline has been thrown out! This means regular deadline fees are in effect for the rest of our extended season! Our new final deadline is set for June 30th. There will be tons of discount opportunities going out over our social channels - and if you need a fee waiver, just send us an email!

A reminder that we no longer have a rule about a film’s completion date. You can submit any films from any time! For those of you stuck at home, we’d love to see those backburner projects; shorts that never got out into the world, films that are experiencing completion in isolation, and bottle-episode bright ideas!

If you do find yourself with some extra time and would like to lend a hand to our 2020 festival, we could certainly use it! We’re still bringing on members to our screening committee, our outreach teams, and are open to suggestions as to what else we can be doing. Get in touch!

Stay patient, kind, and support each other in these uncertain times.

We look forward to high fiving, hugging, and making movies with you all again soon,

Laurel & the Cinema Spectacular team