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Michelle Tran – voice memo 9 (BC)

Michelle Tran is a student at the University of Alberta pursuing a Bachelor of Fine Arts. She has been drawing since she was four years old. Nowadays she draws a bunch of little consecutive pictures in hope that it makes something that sort of looks like an animated short film. When she’s not animating, she loves being with her friends and hamsters.

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A demonstration of the carefree and often quirky nature of youth through the real-life recorded conversations between three teenage girls as they explore stretches of forest between the neighborhood suburbs. Annie, Alicia and Michelle are three friends who have a picnic then a walk in a stretch of urban forest behind Annie’s house. They encounter food hazards, bugs, dogs and shaky bridges on their little exploration, and with this- interesting reactions come about. Michelle records these reactions on her iphone saves them under the name “voice memo 9”.

voice memo 9 will be showing as part of our PURPLE program exhibiting July 15-19th, 2021!

HEY – our trailer is out!